How do I delete a user?

When leaving or changing roles, you may need to revoke a user's access.

This article explains how to do so.


To remove a user, you must have an administrator role. If not, contact an administrator for your account.


> Click on the version that corresponds to your menu: 

✨ New Version 🖥️ Historical Version

✨ New Version

Step 1

Go to the menu Account Management/Users

Step 2

Click on the user's line you want to modify the role for

Step 3

In the panel that appears on the right side of your screen, click Delete User

🖥️ Historical Version

Step 1

Click on the left menu Account Management/My Users

Step 2

Select the user of your choice, then click on the small eraser at the end of the line: 

Step 3

Click on "confirm" when the confirmation window appears. 


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