I receive positive reviews, but my average rating doesn't increase. Why?

You have made every effort to provide exceptional service to your customers, and positive reviews are pouring in. However, you may be wondering why your average rating does not seem to reflect overall satisfaction.

In this article, we will explore together why your average rating is not improving, despite collecting positive reviews.


🗓️ Average Rating per Month Vs Average Rating of the Last 12 Months

The new positive reviews received in recent weeks will have an impact on your rating PER MONTH, which will indeed increase (for example, the average for October will be better than the average of the previous month if you received positive reviews in October).
However, this may not necessarily be the case for your average of the last 12 months (visible on your brand widget and attestation).


🤔 Why?

  • If you collect fewer reviews than the previous month, even if they have better ratings, the average will either smooth out or decrease because the volume of ratings increases, but not necessarily the sum.
  • If you collect the same number of reviews as the previous months (for example, 10 reviews in August, 10 reviews in September, 10 reviews in October), for roughly the same average, the average will stagnate/smooth out.
  • If you collect better ratings than the previous months and in greater quantity, the cumulative rating will start to increase.

☝️ In Summary

To see your cumulative average rating for the last 12 months increase, you need to collect better ratings in greater quantity.
The average rating visible on your attestation and brand widget takes into account all brand reviews collected over the last 12 months.
The more positive ratings you receive, with a substantial volume, the faster your average rating will increase.

💙 Best Practices

To increase your collection rate, we invite you to consult the following articles:

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