Since December 31, 2024, certain CMS connectors allowing orders to be sent to Verified Reviews are no longer maintained or supported.
Verified Reviews will not interrupt the transmission of your orders to our services. However, our support teams will unfortunately no longer be able to assist you in case of an unintentional interruption.
Affected connectors
Here is the list of connectors that are no longer maintained by Verified Reviews:
Magento 1 |
Oxatis |
Bigcommerce |
Opencart |
OsCommerce |
Proximis |
Redicom |
Shopware |
Tiendanube |
Tray |
Virtuemart |
Vtex |
Zencart |
Why this change?
These connectors are no longer maintained due to their low usage and the availability of more efficient features on our platform.
What impact for you?
For customers who want to continue benefiting from the best performance of Verified Reviews, order transmission will need to be done using another method.
We then offer you the choice between an API or SFTP collection method; both of which are quick to implement and directly accessible from your Verified Reviews account.
Watch the video below to learn more and follow our instructions:
When you perform the API or SFTP connection test, your test order must not have the same reference as an order that has already been placed. It is essential to use a dedicated order reference for this test.
The following connectors are not affected by this change and remain supported: Magento 2, Shopify, Prestashop, Woocommerce, and Salesforce.
The Verified Reviews teams will focus their efforts on these connectors to update them and provide you with an enhanced experience.
Need help?
If you have any questions or need assistance, our Care team is here to help you.
You can contact one of our agents by using the contact icon at the bottom right of your screen.