We invite you to follow the steps below if you encounter difficulties logging into your Verified Reviews account
Step 1: Clear your browser's cache
To do so, follow the instructions for your browser:
Step 2: Check the URL
Please log in using the following URL:
- EN https://www.verified-reviews.com/en/
- ES https://www.opiniones-verificadas.com/es/
- IT https://www.recensioni-verificate.com/it/
- PT https://www.opinioes-verificadas.com/pt/
- BR https://www.opinioes-verificadas.com.br/br/
We recommend using this URL instead of any link you may have saved in your favorites.
Step 3: Reset your password
Reset your password via the link on the login page.
If you've clicked "Forgot Password" and haven't received the reset email, check your spam or junk folder.
The email may take a few minutes to arrive.
If you still haven't received the email after 10-15 minutes, we invite you to contact our support team, providing the email address used and the site(s) you'd like access to.
After several failed login attempts, your account might be locked for 10 to 15 minutes. You can try again after this time has passed.
Step 4: If the problem persists, contact our team
If the issue persists after these steps, we invite you to contact our Care team, and share screenshots.