Required data


Below you will find an exhaustive list of the data included in the Avis Vérifiés system.

Certain data are only applicable for one type of collection (use of Webservice or CSV file repository, for example)

Data Value
query pushCommandeSHA1 yes, for Webservice collection
order_ref Transaction reference


email Email address yes

Phone number

Format: 33607080910

order_date Order date (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss OR YYYY-MM-DD) yes
firstname Firstname yes
lastname Lastname yes

String of characters

Example: online, offline, clickncollect...

id_shop Business ID no
name_shop Business Name no
delay Delay before sending the form (in days) no
delay_product Delay before sending the delayed product form (in days) no
sign Authentification signature yes, for Webservice collection


Extra data

Verified Reviews lets you qualify all of your transactions with the information about your organization in order to identify the author of a review more easily, within the tools, by their loyalty card number, type of subscription, or civil title.

Consider communicating the list of supplementary data in advance, stating their value and whether mandatory.

Below is an illustrative example:

Data Value
loyalty_card String of characters no
subscription_type String of characters



String of characters

Example: Miss, Mrs. or Mr.


Civility_customer est rendu obligatoire car affiché dans l'email de demande d'avis :

Hello Mr. Smith,

We would like to know what you think about your Ultimate subscription option.


If a piece of mandatory data is missing, the system will refuse the order.

Products or services

The attached table lists the qualifying data for items associated with a transaction.

These variables allow Avis Vérifiés to complete the inquiry with the products from the shopping cart, services rendered or subscription ordered.

Data Value
id_product Product Reference yes
name_product Product Name


url_product URL of the product page yes, for synchronization with Google Shopping
url_image_product Product image URL yes, for synchronization with Google Shopping
sku Stock Control Unit

yes, for synchronization with Google Shopping

GTIN_EAN EAN barcodes yes, for synchronization with Google Shopping
MPN Manufacturer's reference

no, but recommended if EAN is missing

brand_name Brand Name

no, but recommended if EAN is missing


Exemples de fichiers type

  1. Example of online collection without product:
  2. Example of online collection with product:
  3. Example of offline collection without product:
  4. Example of offline collection with product:
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