How to integrate a voluntary feedback form on my website?

As an Avis Vérifiés customer, you have the possibility to survey your consumers by integrating a voluntary review submission form on your site.

This article explains the procedure for integrating a voluntary review submission form allowing the consumer to submit:

  • a review on one or more products;

  • a brand review (depending on the configuration).

⚠️ Please contact your account manager to activate this feature.


Having a customer account with Avis Vérifiés.


Step 1: Form Generation

Operating Principle

By calling the API with GET parameters as described below, the user will be redirected to the form displaying the product(s) of the request and the brand part if desired.

API Access URL

The URL to use depends on the country where your account exists. Here is a non-exhaustive list, please contact your account manager if a country does not appear. This URL is described by [URL] in the examples below.

    • France:
    • Italy:
    • Spain:
    • United States:
    • Portugal:
    • Brazil:
    • Germany:
    • ...

Main Fields

Here are the fields related to the consumer experience:

Parameter Description/Variable Required
Type Always type=iframe yes
Token Allows to secure the call via your secret key Yes
idWebsite Identifier of your account Yes
lastname Consumer Name Yes
firstname Consumer first name Yes
email Consumer email Yes

"false" : displays the brand and product review part

"true" : displays only the product review part

Important : "true" or "false" must be in string format, not boolean.

no, default is 'false'. 

Important: this configuration requires assistance from your account manager



Here are the fields related to the product.

You can display a form with one or more products. To do this, you need to group the information of each product using an array as shown below. The [x] is to be replaced by 0 for the 1st product, 1 for the 2nd product, and so on…

Parameter  Description Required
products[x] Information of the product placed in [x] position (starts from 0, maximum 4) yes
id_product[x] Unique identifier of product [x] yes
name_product[x] Name of product [x] yes
brand_name[x] Brand of product [x] no


Barcode of product [x] no
url_image_product[x] URL of product image [x] no
url_product  [x] URL of product page [x] no


👉 Example of a product review submission URL (without brand review) not functional because the GET parameters should be encoded (url_encode). They are left "in the clear" in this example for better readability: https://[URL]/index.php?type=iframe
&products[0][name_product]=Mountain Trainer Mid GORE-TEX® Chaussures Femme 0674 - 39


Step 2: Token Generation

The token is a concatenation in SHA1 of the fields idWebsite, secretKey, and product identifiers, as follows:

token SHA1(idWebsite + secretKey + concatenation without separator of 'id_product')


Precision: the + denotes concatenation, they should not be added in the calculation.

👉 Example : SHA1(14b568b3-a9ea-4fb1-a20d-4c8d567359644fb1-a20d-14b568b3-c8d567-a9ea00-0000063459)


Making a request with one product

The generated URL must have encoding (url_encode) on special fields such as closing bracket, opening bracket, space, semicolon, etc.

If the parameters are correct, an order with the data passed as parameters will be recorded, and you will be redirected to the form with its unique identifier. If the same parameters are passed again, no order will be recorded but you will be redirected to the already generated form.


👉 Here is an example of generating a voluntary review URL with encoded GET parameters, therefore functional. To reuse it, you must fill in [URL], modify &idWebsite, and calculate the correct &token. https://[URL]/index.php?type=iframe


Making a request with multiple products

If the parameters are correct, an order with the data passed as parameters will be recorded, and you will be redirected to the form with its unique identifier. If the same parameters are passed again, no order will be recorded but you will be redirected to the already generated form.

👉 Multiple products can be added in the URL as shown below:


⚠️ Attention, the token must contain the concatenation of all product identifiers id_product as follows: sha1(idwebsiteSecretKey00-000006345900-0000063457)
so the token will be: eb793f440b5567b17bfdd22699b1bce2518573aa

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