The PrestaShop module enables you to automate the retrieval of orders from your Rating & Reviews account.
If you notice a lack of orders on your account, you can carry out initial checks on your own to re-establish order retrieval.
Use the PrestaShop module for automatic order retrieval
Step 1 : Check the connection between your module and your Rating & Reviews account
From your Rating & Reviews account, go to the Collect reviews/Configure my Module menu.
If the connection to the module is working normally, the following messages will be displayed:
- Contact established.
- The identifiers are correct.
If this is the case, you can proceed to the Step 2 of the verification.
If the message "No contact with module" is displayed, we recommend that you consult the "General configuration" section of the article : Prestashop - Connector documentation
Step 2 : Check module configuration
1/ Activate automatic order retrieval
From the Collect reviews/Configure my Module menu, check "yes" in the Enable automation section.
It is important to note that this condition is mandatory to initiate the recovery of your orders.
After that, you can access the "When should one retrieve the orders?" section, where you can choose between two options:
- When creating the order by choosing "On the order": in this case ALL orders will be retrieved (including cancelled orders, refunds etc.)
- Using a specific order status (or statuses) by clicking on "At order status change". If you choose this option, you must select the status(es) from the status list below.
2/ Define the deadline for sending requests for advice
Once order retrieval has been activated, you need to set the deadline for sending the reviews request.
- The first part allows you to select the number of days between the moment the order is collected by our services and the sending of the review request.
- The second part is for product reviews only. You can choose to separate the sending of requests for product reviews to your customers by adding a delay to the sending of the email for product reviews. For example, this would give the customer time to test the product before receiving the request for a product review.
Don't forget to save your changes by clicking on "Send this configuration" at the bottom of the page.
If your module is correctly configured, you can proceed to step 3 of the verifications.
Step 3 : Check automatic order retrieval.
1/ Log in to your Rating & Reviews back office.
2/ Go to the "Collect reviews" tab.
3/ Click on "Reporting - Review request".
4/ Compare the last order retrieved from your Rating & Reviews back office and your PrestaShop back office.
5/ Please follow the steps below to ensure that the recovery hooks are correctly enabled in the Verified Reviews plugin for PrestaShop :
A PrestaShop order retrieval hook is a hook in the code of the Rating & Reviews module, which automatically retrieves orders placed on your PrestaShop store and sends them to your Rating & Reviews account for processing. This hook synchronizes your store's orders with your Rating & Reviews account, making it easier to collect customer reviews.
From your PrestaShop module menu, go to "Modules → Module Manager", search for the Rating & Reviews plugin and click on "Configure".
When you access the Rating & Reviews plugin configuration, please add the hooks we're grafting in the "Debug" section.
Once the hooks have been added to your PrestaShop module, go to the configuration of the Rating & Reviews plugin and click on the "Hook points" button, then the "Show invisible hook points" and check the presence of the hooks: actionOrderStatusPostUpdate and actionValidateOrder.
6/ During this step, it is necessary to check the presence of the av_orders table in your database and its eligibility for recovery.
To do this, if the av_orders table exists, please select an order that has not been retrieved and check that: the value of the flag_get column is equal to 0 or NULL, and that the order status in the id_order_state column of the orders table corresponds to the order status in the id_order_state column of the order_history table.
If the av_orders table is missing from your database, please reinstall the module.
Warning !
If you have made any customizations, we advise you to make a backup before reinstalling.
If you have carried out all the necessary checks and your orders are still not automatically retrieved, please contact our Cutomer Care team.
We will need restricted access to your back office and FTP/FTP server so that we can examine our Netreviews module files.
ℹ️ Articles to help you go further in your account configuration
- Complete Prestashop documentation
- Prestashop - How can I display reviews and stars on my product and category pages?
If you have any problems with the configuration, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Care team