V-TEX is a SaaS solution and integrates an API that allows Verified Reviews to communicate directly with your e-commerce solution. An initial configuration of the module is necessary on your Verified Reviews back-office.
- Daily retrieval of orders : Every day, our system retrieves the orders for which we have to send review requests, according to the configuration specified in the settings described in the rest of this document.
- First retrieval of orders : When you first register on our platform and in order to collect your first reviews, we have the possibility to retrieve a certain number of existing orders (already completed) on your V-TEX solution directly from the Verified Reviews back-office.
- Displaying reviews on your website : You have the possibility of displaying reviews of your products directly on your product pages. To do this, we provide you with our tagJS system, which requires only a JS script and two HTML tags to be inserted on your site.
- Configuration of the module on Verified Reviews
- Daily retrieval of orders
- First retrieval of existing orders
- Display product reviews on your website
- Display of website reviews
- Integration of the website review iframe
- Annexes
Configuration of the module on Verified Reviews
Configuration settings
- Go to Config > My Account
- Check that the VTEX Integration section appears on the page
You need to register your V-TEX credentials to ensure the connection between our platform and your e-commerce solution.
- VTEX API URL: by default, the "VTEX API URL" field is set to the API URL of your VTEX environment. If you think this is incorrect, you can change it.
- VTEX username : this is the l'AppKey
- VTEX password : this is the AppToken
- You can choose to collect product reviews or not via a simple checkbox "Receive product reviews", in addition to the site review.
- Optional: If you are using the multi-shop mode of V-TEX, use the link "Configure multi-shop" to set the automation on the relevant shop.
Click on the "Save" button at the bottom of the page to save your changes. A success message at the top of the page will then inform you if the V-TEX account has been correctly connected, otherwise an error message will appear.
Once this configuration is saved, your module is connected and automated, we will automatically receive your orders daily.
If you do not wish to provide us with your V-TEX master ID set, it is possible to generate an additional ID set in your V-TEX back office. Access to the Master Data must be included.
What if the "VTEX Integration" section does not appear?
This means that your Verified Reviews account has not been configured for VTEX.
- To change this, you need to go to Config > My Account > My Certification tab > eCommerce Solution, choose Vtex
- Save the change by clicking on the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.
Multi-Shop mode
To access the multi-store configuration, you must click on "Configure multi-store" in the VTEX Integration insert in Config > My Account.
If you have multiple sales channels set up in your VTEX account, by default we will retrieve orders from all those channels.
You can choose to specify a particular shop. We will then only retrieve orders associated with that shop.
Access to Master Data
VTEX has an email encryption system. In order for us to obtain your customers' emails in clear text and for your follow-up to be simplified, you must include the Product MasterData in the role that has been assigned to the appKey/appToken indicated in the VTEX Integration insert.
When you save your credentials in Config > My Account > VTEX Integration and then click "Save" at the bottom of the page to save your changes, we will test the connection with your shop and check if we have access to the Master Data. If we don't have access, we specify it in the message that appears at the top of the page: "The connection with your VTEX site was successful, however, the appKey and appToken entered do not have the authorisation to access the master data and retrieve the decrypted emails of your customers. Please change the permissions in your Vtex back office.
How to change permissions ?
- Go to the VTEX Back-Office in the Account tab
- Copy the appKey you entered in your Verified Reviews account, located in the Access key column
- Then go to the Users tab (still in the Account management section)
- Search for the key you have just copied in the search bar
- Check the role that has been assigned to it. Ex : for this appKey, the role assigned is "Netreviews"
- Then go to the Roles tab (still in the Account management section)
- Identify the Role (Netreviews in our example)
- Click on it to see the details of the authorised products
- The Product Master Data must be included. If it is not, click on "Configure another Product" at the bottom of the list to add it.
Once you have added Master Data access authorisation, you can re-test the connection by clicking on "save/register" at the bottom of the Config > My Account page on your verified Reviews account. The warning message should have disappeared.
Daily retrieval of orders
The orders retrieved each day by our system are the orders in "Invoiced" status with an "invoice_date" corresponding to the previous day's date. Here is a diagram of the different statuses of an order in the V-TEX system.
Once the module is set up as seen in the previous section, you don't have to do anything, the orders will be automatically retrieved once a day.
First retrieval of existing orders
When you first register on our platform and in order to collect your first opinions, we have the possibility of retrieving a certain number of existing orders (already carried out) on your V-TEX solution directly from the Verified Reviews back-office (for example your last 2 / 3 / 6 months of orders).
- Go to the menu: Activate test > Export VTEX commands
- On this page, you can specify a date range to target orders for retrieval, the status of the order and whether or not to retrieve product reviews.
- After the export, the orders will be displayed in a table and you will have the choice to send the requests for reviews on a case by case basis.
Display product reviews on your website.
Via the app
Note: You may need to adjust the following items depending on your theme
Classic Store-theme :
- First, add the Verified Reviews module as a dependency in your shop. To do this, add "verifiedreviews.netreviews": "1.x" to the list of dependencies in your manifest.json (note that you must add the connector to the "peerDependencies" key, not to "dependencies")
- Access your product.json template
- Under "flex-layout.col#right-col", "children", insert the "netreviews-rating" block where you want to display the rating.
- Under "store.product", "children", insert the "netreviews-reviews" block where you want to display the reviews
- Add your API KEY, SECRET KEY and set the application language in APP > My applications > Netreviews module > Settings
- If you have installed the Reviews and Ratings application on your shop, you will need to uninstall it in APP > My Applications
Via TagJS
You have the possibility of displaying reviews of your products directly on your product sheets. To do this, we provide you with our TagJS system; all you have to do is insert a JS script and two HTML tags into your code.
To display product reviews on your website:
- Go to your Avis Vérifiés account in the menu: Integration > Applications
- Unfold the section "Display my product reviews via TagJS", click on "Activate the functionality".
- Follow the steps indicated one by one, by first integrating the JS script with the two HTML tags indicated in your HTML templates.
Once these steps have been completed and your reviews have been cached on our servers, your product reviews should be displayed on your product sheets. If this is not the case, do not hesitate to contact us so that we can assist you in setting up the reviews.
Display of website reviews
Setting up the website notification widget
You have the option of displaying a fixed or floating widget on your site. This widget allows you to display to your visitors your average overall rating of Verified Reviews and thus reassures the potential customer about the quality of your services.
👉 To retrieve the code for your fixed or floating widget :
- Login to your Verified Reviews account and click on "Integration > Site Widget Integration".
- Choose the widget you prefer, define its type (floating or fixed widget) then choose the display, the position and the type of opening of the attestation, and finally click on "Create widget".
You can combine widgets, e.g. one floating widget for desktop and one for mobile.
Floating widget that will be displayed on desktop and mobile
Floating widget that will only be displayed on desktop
Floating widget that will only be displayed on mobile
- The widget you have just created is displayed at the top of the page in the "MY WIDGETS" section, click on "Integrate" and copy the code from the first "Widget code retrieval" insert
- Once you have the widget code, go to your V-TEX back office in the menu: Store Setup > CMS > Layout. This is where you can modify the HTML templates of the site. Choose the template that suits you by selecting it in CMS > HTML Templates (footer for a floating widget for example) and insert the widget code.
Once these steps have been completed, your widget should be displayed on your site. If this is not the case, do not hesitate to contact us so that we can assist you in setting up the widget.
You must have collected at least 3 website reviews in order to generate your first widget, these reviews are necessary to calculate the average rating of your website.
Widget modifications
To modify a widget that has already been created, go to the "Integration > Site Widget Integration > My Widgets" section and make the desired changes to the widget of your choice and click "Update". We have caching on widgets, so changes will not appear immediately on your site.
Integration of the website review iframe
Once you have collected more than three website reviews, you can add an iframe to your website that directly displays the collected website reviews.
Go to your Verified Reviews account and click on "Integration > Site Widget Integration" and then in the "Vertical iFrame Widget" or "Horizontal iFrame Widget" section.
Choose the widget you prefer and click on the "Create my Widget" button, then copy the iFrame code and paste it into the location on your site where you want it to appear. Unlike the widget, the iframe is not sent in the module configuration.
👉 You can customise some of the features of the iframe with the different options shown below the code, then click on the "Update" button.
👉 If you want to customise the CSS of the iframe, you can add your CSS rules in the "Customise css" block, then click on the "Update" button.
A cache is present on the iframes. Your customisation may not be visible immediately.
📍 Follow-up of Review requests
You can track the review requests sent to your customers from "Stats > Reporting - Review Requests".
You can make a specific search using the filters at the top of the page.
📍 Follow-up of reviews
You can follow your published, moderated and rejected reviews in the "Reviews" menu.
You can make a specific search using the filters at the top of the page.