Magento 2 - Module Documentation

You have the possibility to automate the way to send your purchase/service events thanks to the Magento 2 CMS.


> Click on the version that corresponds to your menu:

✨ New Platform 🖥️ Historical Platform


How does it work?

Magento 2 is a free E-commerce solution based on the Zend framework. Our module Verified Reviews for Magento 2 is available for download on our website. Once the module is installed and configured, everything is automatic, Verified Reviews communicates directly with your e-commerce solution.

  • Automatic recovery of orders and review request: The module communicates your last orders directly to us. Our platform retrieves the orders for which we must send requests for review, and this according to the configuration given during the setting described in the following document.
  • Display product reviews on your site: The module allows you to display your product collected reviews on our platform directly on your product sheets and thus reassure your customers about the quality of your products.
  • Displaying the Verified Reviews rating widget: You can display a floating widget on your site. This widget allows you to display to your visitors your overall average rating of Verified Reviews and thus reassures the potential customer about the quality of your services.


Module Installation and Configuration

Installation via Magento Marketplace

Retrieve the installation key of the module

  • Connect to Magento Marketplace (
  • Use the search engine to find the Verified Reviews module.
  • Select the version of the module for Magento 2 (M2).
  • Click on "Add to cart" and proceed with the order.
  • Once the order is placed, click on "Install".
  • Create a new key for Magento 2 via the "Create a new access Key" button.
  • Copy the keys, you will be asked for them later.


Module installation on Magento 2

Step 1

  • Connect to your Magento 2 back office.
  • In the main menu click on "System" and then on "Web Setup Wizard"

  • Then click on "Component Manager". 

  • If you are not yet connected, click on "Sign in" and fill in your access details.


  • Once connected, click on "Install".


  • Check the "Netreviews - Avisverifies" module and click "Install".


Step 2

  • Click on "Readiness Check" to check whether your Magento2 site has all the components required to install the module.


  • Once the verification is complete, click on the "Next" button. If you have components in red, you can resolve these conflicts using the link at the bottom of the page, which will redirect you to the official Magento 2 documentation.


Step 3

  • The next step is to create a backup. It is advisable to make a full backup before installing a new module. Select the items you wish to add to the backup and click on the "Create Backup" button.


  • A confirmation of the backup should appear on the screen, so you can continue by clicking on "Next".


Step 4

The last step asks you to confirm the installation of this new module. Click on the "Install" button to finalize the installation. Once the module has been installed, click on the "Back to Setup Tool" button.


Module installation via archive

Download module archive

The module is available for download from the customer area of your Verified Reviews account. To access it, simply log on to: and click on the "Orders / Our eCommerce modules" menu.



Click on the "Download" button of our module for Magento 2 to obtain a zip archive of it.


Installing the module on Magento 2

Step 1

  • Extract the module archive into the "Mon_Site_Magento2/app/code" folder of your Magento 2 site.

Step 2

  • Connect to your Magento2 site via the command line and enter the following two commands:



You should see a message indicating successful installation of the module.



Module configuration in the Magento 2 Back-Office

Once the module has been installed, access the module's Collect reviews - Configure my module section. Two pieces of information are requested in the "Your Integration Codes" section: the secret key and the website id.

To find them, go to your Verified Reviews account.

  • Navigate to the Collect reviews - Configure my module menu.
  • Click on the "Download / Documentation" button.

  • Copy the secret key and the website ID.
  • Return to the "Configuration" section of your Magento 2 back-office.
  • Select the store you wish to configure.


this message only applies to you if you have a single-store site. Single-Store Mode does not prevent you from configuring the module correctly, but it can sometimes hide the configurations entered on the module's configuration page. If, after saving the Secret Key and Website ID, you don't see the saved keys, please clear your Magento caches in the "System > Tools > Cache Management" menu, then refresh the module configuration page. If you still don't see the keys after this operation, go to our FAQ, section "Configuring a single-store site".



  • Paste the secret key and website ID.
  • Select "Yes" in "Enable Module on this Website" to activate the module on this store.
  • Select "Production" in "Environment mode".


If you're using a sandbox URL supplied by our team, please select "Sandbox" and enter the url supplied by our team in the "Sandbox Url" field; the url must not contain the "http://" or "https://" part, and must have the format shown in the image below. Use the "Check url" button to check that the url is correct.


Once the configuration is complete, click on the "Save Config" button.

  • Use the "Advanced Configuration" section only if you're very familiar with your site's configuration, and configure the options relating to your store's features.



By default, the advanced configuration is set as follows:

  • Add Review to product Page: "Yes".
  • Use tiny responsive design in product reviews: "No".
  • Activate Rich-Snipets on your product page: "No rich-snippets".
  • My product page already have rich-snippets: "No" (Only available for JSON-LD format).
  • The orders originated from a physical store (Offline orders): " No " (Choose " Yes " if the orders come from a physical store, i.e. offline orders. If set to "No", orders will be considered as online orders).
  • Use the data of the Parent product: "Yes": Configurable, bundle, package. If set to "No", the module retrieves data from child products: Simple products).
  • Also retrieve reviews on the Bundle Products: " No " This option only appears if "Use the data of the Parent product" is set to "No". (Retrieves data from Child products as well as Bundle products if set to "Yes". If the option is set to "No", the module only retrieves data from the Child products of the Bundle: products of the Simple type).
  • Limit export order (between 1 and 100000): "empty by default" (if you wish to limit the quantity of orders to be retrieved when executing the order retrieval, enter the quantity of orders to be limited).

The following image shows the differences between the "Classic" design and the "Tiny" design:



Module configuration in your Verified Reviews account

Access the configuration from your Verified Reviews account in Collect Reviews - Configure my module

Check module connection

Click on "Save website config." to check the connection between Verified Reviews and Magento 2. If you see a green message at the top of the page after clicking on "Save website config.", then the module is correctly connected to your Magento 2 site:



You can also check the module connection by clicking on "Module status" to verify the connection between Verified Reviews and Magento 2. A green success message should appear, as in the image below:



Configuration retrieval

This step enables you to retrieve the configuration of your Magento 2 site, so that we can configure our module accordingly.

Click on "Save website config." to check the connection between Verified Reviews and Magento 2.
If a "success" message appears, and the square in the "Module status" section on the right has green ticks, the module has been successfully configured. If another message appears, check the previous configurations and if the problem persists, contact Verified Reviews support by going to: "Config > Access support".



Multistore configuration

If you're using multi-boutique in Magento 2, you'll need to fill in the Secret Key and IdWebsite for each boutique for which you wish to use our module.

If you want to use our module for your multi-language stores, you'll need to create several Verified Reviews accounts for the corresponding countries (as each account is linked to a store).

You'll see a list of all the Websites and stores on your site, where only stores with "(Current Configuration)" will be configured. The store ID to be configured appears between braces {}.

Please note:

If "(Current Configuration)" appears to the right of a store you don't want to configure, go back to the module configuration in your Magento 2 back-office and select the store in question from the drop-down menu in the top left-hand corner. Delete the Secret Key and Idwebsite and change the "Enable Module on this Website" option to "No".




Module configuration option

This step enables you to configure the module and notification requests. Simply fill in the form as indicated. If you encounter any problems, hover over the "?" to get help.

  • Activate automation: Click on "yes" to activate automatic order retrieval.
  • Request Reviews: click on "when order status changes", then select the last order status you updated on Magento2.
  • Delays before sending Review request: select the number of days between the order status change and the notification request being sent.
  • Email extension: by default, does not query customers on marketplaces.
  • Product options: check "yes" to retrieve product reviews and/or display them on the corresponding product sheets.
  • Widget display: here you can paste the code corresponding to the widget you've created.
  • Click on "Send configuration". Our platform communicates directly with the module to save this configuration.


Now that you're automated, you can track requests for reviews sent to your customers from "Collect Reviews > Reporting - Review requests".


A few details :

  • Automatic retrieval of orders: Activate automation: if "yes", our engine will retrieve the orders for which we need to survey customers every evening. If "no", you can continue to use the solution, but new orders will not be surveyed (unless you wish to export orders and import them manually, see Exporting orders).
  • Multi store: Confirm the store to be configured if you're using Magento2's "Multi store" feature. By default, the store whose identifier you entered during configuration is selected.
  • When should you ask for customer feedback?

- "When the order is placed": Verified Review review request process starts as soon as the order is placed, and according to the number of days set just below.
- "Upon change of order status": Verified Reviews review request process starts according to the order status you have chosen, and also depends on the number of days set below.

Review collection

  • How long after this event: Choose how long after the event selected above, Verified Reviews will send your customer a review request.
  • Define email extensions: by default, allows you not to query marketplaces' customers. We've already added some default extensions (the extension corresponds to what's after the @). You can add more in succession, separated by a semicolon ';'.

Product options

  • Do you want product reviews: If "yes", we'll ask your customers about all the products they've ordered.
  • Do you wish to display product reviews on your product pages: If "yes", product reviews will be displayed on your product pages.
  • Do you want to add the 'Useful Reviews' option to your reviews? If "Yes", the "useful advice" button will be displayed in your notices to visitors to your site.
  • Do you want to display media with product reviews? If "Yes", images uploaded by your customers will be displayed in your reviews. For more information, please contact your account manager.

Widget display

  • Would you like to display the Floating widget? If "yes", the widget will be displayed on your site.
  • Floating widget script: Go to "Display reviews > Integrate my widgets" to choose the widget and retrieve the code (script) to integrate.
  • Does your theme use Require JS: Leave "Yes" by default. Change this option to no only if you see display problems on your site.
  • What type of product reference do you want to use? Leave "SKU" by default, change to "ID" only if our technical team asks you to or if you're sure you want to use IDs.

First order export

To quickly obtain your first opinions, the Verified Reviews module includes an order export function enabling you to generate a CSV file already formatted in the correct structure. It can be directly uploaded via your Verified Reviews Customer Area. The first order export allows you to quickly generate the first reviews by surveying the customers of your orders already placed.

Go to the Magento 2 menu in "Verified Reviews > Export Orders (CSV file)" to access the order export.



If clicking on the "VerifiedReviews" menu triggers a 404 error page, you need to log out of your Magento 2 back-office and then log back in. This is a known problem in Magento 2 following the installation of a new module.



  • Select the store to which you wish to export orders.
  • Select the desired order retrieval time.
  • Select the order statuses you wish to export.
  • Select "Yes" for "Request product reviews" if you also wish to obtain product reviews.
  • Click on "Export file" in the top right-hand corner.



By default, you can find the file in your download folder.

Once you've retrieved the generated csv, you can go directly to the order download area via the following url: or via your Verified Reviews account, Orders tab > Send by file.

You must upload the csv and associate the fields with the columns in the csv file. Be sure to follow the tutorial and check the proposed information before validating the order import.

If you wish to retrieve product reviews, the csv column id_product must be associated with the "Product reference" field. If you do not select the correct column, the product reviews collected will not be displayed.


Automatic order retrieval

General process

We retrieve your orders according to the configuration you define in your Verified Reviews account > Integration > Configure my Magento module.

You can track orders retrieved from your account in Collect Reviews > Reporting - Review requests / Product notice requests / Delayed product notice requests.

When we also retrieve product details, the product reference is, by default, the parent SKU. If a review is placed on the product, this review will be associated with this SKU in your Verified Reviews account. This review will then be synchronized to your site and displayed on the product page corresponding to this SKU.

Our order retrieval cron checks your site every 6 hours to see if there are any new orders to retrieve.


PLA Section - Google Shopping

To enable Verified Reviews to retrieve additional data on your products (requested by Google Shopping):

Please go to the Magento 2 back-office in the "Verified Reviews > Google Shopping - Product Data (PLA)" menu.
Select the SHOP you wish to configure. Product information for Google Shopping is configured at store view level only.



  • Please read the warnings under each field. By default, the module retrieves the following data about your products:
    - ID
    - SKU
    - Description: Product name
    - Link: URL of the product sheet
    - Image link: Product image URL



You should not change the default value of these fields, but only if you are sure that the module is not retrieving the correct product attribute.

  • To retrieve new product data, please select from the list the product attribute only for the fields Google Shopping asks you for, generally the product brand, MPN and GTIN. Fields marked with "---" will not change their default value.

  • Click on "Save Config".

Display of brand and product reviews

Setting up the site reviews widget

Once you have collected more than three site reviews, you can add our floating or fixed widget to your website. To display the widget, you need to :

  • Choose and configure the widget
  • Integrate it into your website

Configuring the widget

Tips: a floating widget will be visible at all times, regardless of the user's scroll. The floating widget can be integrated directly from the module configuration.

You can combine widgets, e.g. one floating widget for desktop and another for mobile.


Integrating your widget into your site

  • Integrate your widget manually. Copy the script into the required space on your site.

Please note! If you choose a floating widget, you must integrate the widget script in the module configuration.

  • To add the widget script via the module, go to the Collect reviews - Configure my module section and scroll down to the "Display widgets" section.
  • Select "Yes" for the question "Do you want to display the floating widget? and paste the script you copied earlier into the corresponding insert.
  • If you have created different widgets, e.g. a floating widget for desktop and another for mobile, simply copy and paste the two scripts one after the other.
  • To finish, click on "Send this configuration". Check your site (empty the cache if necessary).

Setting up the product reviews widget

You can use Magento module's widget or the new version of the widget. However, the new version requires manual integration.


Integration with the Magento module

  • Go to the Collect reviews - Configure my module
  • In the "Product options" section, select "Yes" for the following two questions:
    • Would you like to retrieve the reviews for your products?
    • Would you like to display the product reviews on your products files?
  • Click on "Send configuration".


To check the display of product reviews, go to Review Management choose a review that is more than 24 hours old and check that it is displayed on your website. You can then click on a review and then on the link to the product page.

Manual integration of the Product widget

You can display the new version of our  by retrieving the script and manually integrating it into the code of your website.

Here's the article to guide you: 🔔 New : Product Widget (Display your product reviews)


If this is the first time you've displayed product reviews, please contact our technical support team via our Help Desk Widget: a manual synchronization is required.


Please note:

For all new product reviews, you must wait 24 hours before they appear on your website.


To check the display of product reviews, go to Review Management- Product Reviews, choose a review that is more than 24 hours old and check its display on your website. 





📍 Reviews and/or stars are not displayed on the product page

Go to the Displaying product reviews section and check that all the points mentioned are correct.

If the reviews are still not showing, you'll need to make sure that your template includes the code to show Magento reviews. Use the following instructions:


To display the stars at the top of the product page

In your "product" template, paste the following code where you want the stars to appear. Make sure that the $block->getProduct() variable returns the product object.

<?php echo $block->getReviewsSummaryHtml($block->getProduct(), \Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\ReviewRendererInterface::DEFAULT_VIEW); ?>


To display reviews in the product page

In your "product" template, paste the following code where you wish to display the reviews.

In your "product" template, paste the following code where you wish to display the notices.

<?php echo $this->getLayout()
          ->toHtml(); ?>


📍 Stars are not displayed on the product list page

Go back to the Displaying product reviews section and check that all the points mentioned are correct.

If the reviews still don't show up, you'll need to make sure that the code for displaying Magento reviews is present in your template. Use the following instructions:

To display stars in the product list (category page)

In your "category product page" or "product list" template, paste the following code where you want the stars to appear. Please ensure that the $_product variable is used in this template, otherwise rename it to pass the Magento product object.

<?php echo $block->getReviewsSummaryHtml($_product, \Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\ReviewRendererInterface::SHORT_VIEW); ?>


📍 Average rating, number of reviews or reviews do not match

Contact your account manager or Verified Reviews support, a manual review synchronization is necessary.


📍 Orders have not been retrieved for some time

Check the connection between our platform and your site (Verified Reviews account > Collect reviews > Configure my module, you can click on the "Communication test" button or click on "Send configuration"). If you get a failure message, please contact support.

Check that automation is enabled in Verified Reviews account > Integration > Configure my module.



Check that your orders to be retrieved have the same status(es) as those you have selected on your Verified Reviews account in the module configuration page.

If you get a connection, automation is enabled and statuses are correct, please contact support.


📍 Rich Snippets don't work

Rich Snippets are included in the module.

To activate them, go to your Magento 2 back-office in the "Verified Reviews > Configuration" menu, then choose the store you wish to configure and in Advanced Configuration, activate Rich Snippets in "" or "json-ld" format in the "Activate the Rich-Snippets in the product page" option.



If you choose "json-ld", you have the option of specifying whether or not your theme already includes rich-snippets with the "My product page already has rich-snippets" option.



After that, clear the Magento 2 caches and, if applicable, the server cache too.


Notes on Google search results and Rich-Snippets

In order for your product page to appear as a Rich-Snippet in Google's natural search results, you'll need to tag certain data.

Google offers a test tool to check whether a web page is eligible for rich snippets, available here

Simply enter the url of a product page with reviews. Google returns any errors in the integration of rich snippets, or indicates that the page is indeed eligible for rich snippets by showing a preview of the result.

Please note:

Our module takes care of adding the AggregateRating and Reviews tags and obtaining an effective preview on Google's test tool, but cannot fully guarantee that rich snippets will appear in browser search results, as Google considers many other factors (content quality, etc.).

Here's the link to the latest Google documentation:


📍 Configuring a single-store site

When do you need single-store mode?

You can activate single store mode if you have a website with a single store and a single store view, and you don't plan to use multiple stores in your Magento 2 installation.



This mode does not prevent the module from being configured correctly, but it can mask the configurations entered in the module configuration page, as shown below:



If you wish to display the configuration in your single-shop site, please follow the instructions below:

1. In the administration sidebar, click on STORES, then, under Parameters, choose Configuration.



2. Scroll down to the GENERAL tab and click on General.



3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and open the Single-Store Mode section.

4. Set Enable Single-Store Mode to NO.


5. Press the Save configuration button in the top right-hand corner:


6. Update the cache as follows:

  • Go to "System > Tools > Cache Management".
  • Check the Page Cache and Configuration boxes.
  • With the actions set to "Refresh", press "Submit".



This configuration will display the module's main configuration in your Magento 2 back-office:




Reviews tracking

You can track your published, moderated and rejected reviews in the "Reviews" menu.

You can make a specific search using the filters at the top of the page.



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