✨ New version: Automation method for collecting reviews by importing a CSV file

You can import a CSV file with ALL your orders, from your Back Office, in order to survey your customers and get reviews quickly.

Below you can find the prerequisites, depending on your case: first collection or one-time import, as well as the procedure to follow.

If you need to import more than 3000 lines of orders, you will need to split the file and perform the import multiple times.

> Click on the version corresponding to your menu:

✨ New Platform 🖥️ Historical Platform

First Reviews collection 

To start collecting, regardless of the automation method, you can integrate a file of your customers to start collecting their reviews.


  • We advise you to retrieve orders from the last three months in order to have relevant reviews.
  • Prepare your file with the correct format, CSV. You can find the sample files below.
  • Respect the file format as well as the headers.
  • Check and make sure that all mandatory data is present.

The collection of reviews will be done using the data in your file. You can find the sample files below (click on the correct sample to download):

Be sure to respect the expected formats as well as the headers for each field by following the examples; otherwise, the lines with error will not give rise to the sending of a request for review. For example, the date formats dd-mm-yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd

  • The brand review requests are the one about the purchase experience/order.
  • The product review requests are the one about the product(s) purchased online or offline

Required fields for all types of review requests are the following:

channel Default: "online"
Enum: "online" "offline"
How the purchase was made ("online" if made on a website, "offline" if made in a store)
shop_id The shop where the purchase was made.
Required if channel=offline
purchase_date The date of the purchase and the purchase time
ex: "2022-10-15 05:19:46", “"2022-10-15”
purchase_reference The reference of the purchase.
ex: "#1855"
first_name Consumer's first name
Ex: John
last_name Consumer's last name
Ex: Doe
email Consumer’s contact email
Ex: john@doe.com
language Enum: "fr" "en" "es" "de" "it" "pt" "br",”be”
ISO 639-1, 2 letters language code. If the language is not available in our solution, English will be used.
(ex “en”)

Required fields for product review requests are the following:

product_ref The reference of the product
Required if product review request
name Name of the product
Required if product review request

The product information above is essential for submitting a review on Google Shopping.

Non required fields for all types of review requests are the following:

The type of review requests that will be sent:
  • BRAND_AND_PRODUCT: brand and product review requests sent at the same time.
  • PURCHASE_ONLY: brand review request only or brand review request sent before product review request.
  • PRODUCT_ONLY: product review request only or product review request sent after brand review request.
purchase_price The amount of the purchase.
Default: 0
phone Consumer’s phone number
ex: 3361111111
hide_personal_data Default: false
True if the personal data should be hidden during display of this purchase event.

Non required field for the brand review request only is the following:

delay Default: 0
Number of days after the order/purchase before sending the brand review request to the consumer.
(if you want to use a delay different from the one used in the collect review configuration page to send a brand review request regarding this purchase event)

Non required fields for the product review requests only are the following:

product_delay Default: 0
Number of days after the order/purchase before sending the product review request to the consumer.
(if you want to use a delay different from the one used in the collect review configuration page to send a product review request regarding this product)
Category The category of the product
Brand The brand of the product
product_price Default: 0
The price of the product
product_url A link to the product page
image_url A link to the product image.
This will be used to display your product on Skeepers.
ean The EAN of the product (< =13 characters)
sku The SKU of the product
upc The UPC of the product
isbn The ISBN of the product
jan The JAN of the product
mpn The MPN of the product


If you want to collect reviews now, you can send a review request to your customers of the last three months by entering delay = 0 for brand reviews and delay_product = 0 for your product reviews.

Temporary Upload

You use another automation method (SFTP, API, Connector...) but you want to import your orders from time to time.


  • We advise you to retrieve orders from the last three months in order to have relevant opinions.
  • Prepare your file with the correct format, CSV.
  • Check that all mandatory data is present.

Procedure (first collection and occasional import)

  1. First of all, you have to log in to your Back Office.
  2. Go to the tab: Collection of reviews > Sending requests for reviews > CSV file MicrosoftTeams-image__31_.png
  3. Import your CSV file MicrosoftTeams-image__32_.png

Check CSV format, UTF8 encoding – semicolon separator and Max: 5MB

You will have the total of rows to import, the rows with error (the format does not match) or the duplicate rows.

    4. Click on Import data and validate the import

    5. You can track your requests from the Review Requests Tracking page


As a trusted third party, whose review management is certified as NF ISO 20488 compliant, we are obliged to survey all of your customers. In addition, the various European regulations impose not to manipulate consumers, ie to carry out a sorting in the collection.

I can't import my requests

If there is a problem with the file, we will mention the reason, for example if the format is incorrect.

In the case that you import a file with proofs of purchases/services already existing in our database, the system will block the import.MicrosoftTeams-image__35_.pngMicrosoftTeams-image__36_.png



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