What is the difference between the Average rating and the Average rating for last year's period? (brand reviews)

Positive and negative reviews you collect have a significant impact on the calculation of your overall rating.

From your Brand Reviews dashboard, you have an overview of your average rating for the selected period and your average rating for last year's period

To view your Brand Reviews dashboard, go to Statistics from the left sidebar menu:

Average rating

This indicator allows you to compare your performance over different periods. This can reveal positive or negative trends, help identify periods of growth or stagnation, and assist in making informed decisions to improve performance.

Your average rating is calculated from the selected period on your dashboard. By default, it is calculated for the past month:

Use the period filter to adjust it to the desired period.

You can look back up to a maximum of 24 months. Therefore, if you apply a filter with a start date earlier than 24 months ago, the KPIs will only take into account the last 24 months.

Below, you will find the formula used to obtain this rating:

Formula: sum of ratings over the selected period / number of reviews over the selected period 

All reviews are by default included in your rating calculation, regardless of their status. Use the "Review State" filter to refine your result.

Average rating for last year's period

This indicator provides in real-time the average displayed on your certificate. 

This indicator cannot be affected by the date selector at the top of the dashboard.

Your rating is a sign of credibility and transparency to your customers but also reflects their level of satisfaction with your brand:

Formula: sum of ratings over the last 12 months / number of reviews over the last 12 months.

Only published reviews, reviews published after moderation, and reviews pending validation are included in the calculation of your rating.

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