How are calculated the Average rating & the Average rating over the last 12 months? (Product Dashboard)

It is important to track your average rating to continuously evaluate customer satisfaction and adjust actions based on received feedback.

We remind you that these indicators, as their name suggests, represent an average.

You can find them from the left-hand side menu: Statistics > Product Reviews.

First of all, we invite you to select the product reference of your choice:

Average Rating

You will find this indicator under the name Average Rating. Feel free to use the period filter.

Calculation formula: sum of ratings for the selected period / number of reviews for the selected period.

Average Rating over the Last 12 Months

You will find this indicator under the name Average Rating for last year's period:

Calculation formula: sum of ratings over the last 12 months / number of reviews over the last 12 months.

These indicators cannot be affected by the date selector at the top of the dashboard.

The average cannot exceed 5. If the rate is > 5, you are probably experiencing an issue with the filters. Feel free to open a ticket with our Customer Care team.

Each KPI displayed on this dashboard can be downloaded in PNG or CSV format.

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