✨ New version: Reviews collection tracking table

Once you've sent your first notification requests, you have the option of tracking each step from the Back Office.

This allows you to find out the status of the dispatch: email scheduled, sent, form opened, review submitted, reminder or find out if there was an error in the review request process.

> Click on the version corresponding to your menu:

✨ New Version 🖥️ Historical Version


How do I access the tracking page?

From your Back Office, click on Collect Reviews > Review Request Follow up

Your tracking table


On the left, you can find the different types of filters :

  • Experiment date
  • Request status
  • Type d’avis

The elements of your dashboard


  • Experience reference: reference your proofs of purchase/service you've communicated
  • Customer email
  • Experience date: The date communicated in your proofs of purchase
  • Current status: The path of your request as well as the date of the stage it is in.
    • Scheduled email: Date on which dispatch is scheduled, this depends on the configuration of your dispatch times. To find out more, you can read this article: Configure the request delay and time of notification
    • Email envoyé : All emails that have already gone
    • Email opened: This means that the consumer has opened the email but has not clicked on the form.

    • Form opened: This means that the consumer has opened the email and has clicked to access the collection form.

    • Review submited : The consumer has completed the form to file his opinion
    • Relay: There's the option of relaunching customers who haven't opened the email and those who have but haven't replied to the form. Feel free to activate the reminder from the collection configuration page.
    • Error : These are the requests that couldn't go away, either because the consumer asked not to receive any more emails from us, or because the address is invalid.

To find out what stage the notification request is at, you can click on the status to get more information:



To get more details about the order/proof of purchase or service, you need to click on the reference:

You will find:

  • Date of experience
  • Method of transmitting proof of purchase. For example, Prestahop.
  • Customer details
  • History of review request
  • If you collect product reviews, you can also find the products associated with the review request



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