Prestashop - How can I display reviews and stars on my product and category pages?

Thanks to your PrestaShop module, you have the possibility to display:

  • Stars on your product pages
  • Stars on category pages
  • The review block on product pages

This article explains the checks to be made if you find that these displays are not working correctly.


Use the PrestaShop module to display stars and the review block


Step 1: Check the connection between your module and your Verified Reviews account

  1. Log in to your Verified Reviews back office.
  2. Access the "Review Collection" tab.
  3. Click on "Configure my Module"

4. Click on the "Test Connection" button.

If the connection to the module is working normally, the following messages will be displayed: 

  • Connection established.
  • Credentials are correct.

If this is the case, you can proceed to check number 2.

If the message "No contact with the module" appears, we recommend checking the "Module Configuration on PrestaShop" section of the article: Prestashop-Documentation-connector.

If, despite the checks performed, the connection still fails, we recommend contacting the support team for assistance.

Step 2: Check the module configuration in your Verified Reviews account

1/ Check the retrieval of reviews on your products

From the Review Collection/Configure my Module menu, check that the Yes box is checked in the Option concerning products - Retrieve reviews on your products section.

If this is not the case, please activate it. Your consumers will be surveyed on your products when we retrieve orders.

2/ Check the automatic display of stars and reviews

From the Review Collection/Configure my Module menu, check that the Yes box is checked in the Option concerning products - Display product reviews section.


  • If this option was not activated and you check Yes, and you have not yet collected product reviews, a synchronization from Verified Reviews will be launched automatically.
  • If you already have reviews, and this is the first time you activate the display option, please contact technical support. We will then force the synchronization of your product reviews.
  • If your module is properly configured on your Verified Reviews account, you can proceed to check 3.

Step 3: Check the configuration in your PrestaShop module

In your PrestaShop admin back office menu, section Customize/Modules/Module Managers, click on Configure:



1/Check for hook presence

In the configuration of the "Verified Reviews" module, go to the "Debug" section, then select "Advanced Actions" and add them:



Once you have done this, please clear the cache of your PrestaShop and check again if the stars and reviews are displayed on your product pages.


It is important to note that this action should be avoided if you have made customizations on your side.


2/Display stars on the category page

In the Verified Reviews module configuration/design section, you can enable the display of stars on the category page.



From a technical point of view, our module attaches itself to the hooks:

  • displayProductListReviews if the PrestaShop version is < 1.7
  • displayProductPriceBlock (type=”before_price”) if the PrestaShop version is > 1.7

After activating this option, if the stars (in the product list) still do not appear, it means that these hooks are not present in your theme.

In this case, you can directly add our custom hook:

{hook h='CategorystarsNetreviews' product=$product} in the file product-list.tpl (PrestaShop < 1.7) or in the product thumbnail file (on the default PrestaShop 1.7 theme, file path themes/classic/templates/catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl)


3/Display the review block on the product page

From your PrestaShop Back Office, in the Debug/Display advanced actions section, activate the button Display the tab (x reviews):



This option allows you to modify the name of the review tab, by default. The name of the review block is Verified Reviews.



Link to the complete module documentation

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