Words to watch

The "Words to Watch" feature allows you to automatically place certain reviews under moderation based on the words they contain (regardless of their rating).

Indeed, depending on your customer or business strategy, or your industry, it may be useful to identify certain keywords that require special attention before being published.

Thanks to Verified Reviews, you can autonomously create your own list with the words of your choice.

By setting words to watch, the Verified Reviews system will detect if the comment contains any of them and will automatically place the review under moderation.

Add words to watch

  1. Go to the left-side menu Review Management
  2. From the settings in the top right, click on Words to Watch

  3. Click on Add a Category
  4. Define the title of the category, then add the words of your choice for that category by clicking on Add a Word.

    You can add words related to the same theme or add variations in spelling (uppercase, lowercase, singular, plural...).

    For example, if you want to add the word "after-sales service" to your list, you should also add: After-sales service, after-sales, after sales, After Sales Service, etc.

  5. Click on Save to save the category.
Reviews containing insults, personal data or five identical characters are automatically placed under moderation. For reviews that do not meet these criteria, the list of words to watch and the moderation threshold you set will determine if the review is moderated.

Add words to watch via file import

You also have the option to define words to watch via file import.

For this, we recommend carefully reading the procedure available in your back office:


You can modify, export, or delete a category at any time by clicking on the three dots:



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