How can I delay the sending of product review requests?

You have the option to independently change the delay for sending product review requests if you want them to be sent later compared to brand review requests.

In fact, in some cases, depending on your activity, it might be beneficial to give your consumers time to test the purchased products.

The procedure will depend on your method of automating the retrieval of your orders.

Please note that any changes made to the sending delays for review requests will only apply to future orders that have not yet been retrieved. It is not possible to change the delay for orders that have already been retrieved, for which the sending of the review request is already scheduled.

Module Automation

🖥️ Historical Platform

  1. Go to the left sidebar menu Collect Reviews, then Configure My Module
  2. Go to the Review Collection section
  3. Set the delay (in number of days) of your choice in the Dproduct review request section. Please note that the delay applies from the date the brand review request is sent.
  4. Click on Send This Configuration at the bottom of the page to save the changes.

For example, if you set 5 days for the brand review, and 5 days for the product review, it means that the product review request will be sent 5 days after the brand review request, and 10 days after the order retrieval date (5 days + 5 days).

✨ New Platform

  1. Go to the left sidebar menu Collect Reviews, then Configuration
  2. Go to the section Collect with "name of your connector"/Brand Review
  3. Set the delay (in number of days) of your choice in the Review Product section.
  4. Click on Save at the top of the page to save the changes.

Please note that the delay applies from the date the brand review request is sent.

For example, if you set 5 days for the brand review, and 5 days for the product review, it means that the product review request will be sent 5 days after the brand review request, and 10 days after the order retrieval date (5 days + 5 days).

Automation via FTP or API

🖥️ Historical Platform

  • SFTP: The delay can be set from your CSV file with the delay_product column or from the Account Management/My Account menu
  • API: The delay can be set from the request with the delay_product value or from the Account Management/My Account menu

If you specify a delay in your feeds and in the My Account menu, it is the feed variable that will be taken into account. The feed variable "overrides" the configuration set in your Verified Reviews Back Office.

✨ New Platform

  1. Click on the left sidebar menu Collect Reviews, then on Configuration.
  2. Go to the menu Collect with other channels and set the delay of your choice.

If you want to delay sending brand review requests, you will also have the option to set a specific delay - Learn more.

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