You have the option of exporting the reviews you've collected, via various methods: API, FTP, manual export.
These methods allow for simple integration within your tools, choosing the method best suited to your infrastructure.
You have the option of customizing export feeds, and thus harvesting the data you want.
Step 1 - Customize flow
1. Go to the Integration/Recover my reviews
2. Click on the tab Customize a feed then select the corresponding site/product API:
3. Select, deselect or rename the data you wish to include in your export
4. Save the configuration:
Feeds are composed of standard, unmodifiable data. The default export data named "Standard fields" (visible on the right of the page) cannot be modified.
Step 2 - Export reviews
Method via FTP
If you are not yet using the FTP method and are interested, please contact our support.
If you are already using the FTP method to retrieve your reviews, please note that the review deposit is made every day and you will receive an updated file every day.
You have the opportunity to immediately check how your data feed is evolving.
1. Go to the menu Reviews/Collect my reviews/Feed management.
2. Select the relevant FTP feed.
3. In the Test the reviews feeds tab, choose the feed you wish to export (daily for today's reviews / full for all reviews).
4. Then click on the Send button:
Method via API
1. In the Review display/Recover my reviews menu, click on the API Site
2. Check the box Enable daily generation of site notification files:
3. Perform the same operation on the tabProduct API.
As soon as this option is active, the files will be generated automatically. These resources are updated every night between 1am and 3am.
4. If you make changes to your feed and wish to force the generation of your files, click on the Generate all files
Manual export
1. Go to the Review processing
2. Choose the Brand review or Product review tab and apply the filters of your choice (status, date, ratings...)
3. Click the Export button. A file with all the notices will be generated:
If the changes you've made to your feed haven't been reflected in your review results, we invite you to contact our support.