⚒︎ Verify the collection of reviews

You have the option to check the proper functioning of the collection of your reviews at any time and independently, from your Verified Reviews account. 


Use one of our automation methods: 

  • Module (Prestashop, WooCommerce, Magento...)
  • FTP
  • API

Step 1: Verify the correct transmission of your orders

> Click on the version that corresponds to your menu: 

✨ New version 🖥️ Historical version

✨ New version

  1. Go to the menu Collect reviews > Review Request Follow up
  2. Check that the latest orders recorded on your merchant site have been correctly transferred to your Verified Reviews account.

To do this, consult the column Experience Reference and Experience Date:

If the orders do not appear in this table after 24 hours, please contact our Customer Care team via the contact icon at the bottom right.

Then indicate that you notice an anomaly in order retrieval.

The Current Status column allows you to understand the progress of your request as well as the date of the step in which it is located. Learn more.

🖥️  Historical version

  1. Go to the menu Collect reviews > Reporting Review Request
  2. Check that the latest orders recorded on your merchant site have been correctly transferred to your Verified Reviews account.

To do this, check the last recovery date in the recovery column: 

If the orders do not appear in this table after 24 hours, please contact our Customer Care team via the contact icon at the bottom right.

Then indicate that you notice an anomaly in order retrieval.

The Programming column corresponds to the date when the review request email will be sent. Depending on the server load, there may be a slight variation between the date in the Programming column and the Issuance column.

If you notice that review requests are not sent within 24 hours of the programming date, do not hesitate to contact our Customer Care service. Learn more.

Step 2: Verify Your Collection Automation

If the date of the last order displayed on your Verified Reviews account does not match the date of the last order that should have been transmitted to us, we invite you to check the proper functioning of your automation.

 Click on the automation method you are using: 

Automation by Module

> Click on the version that matches your menu: 

✨ New Version 🖥️ Historical Version

✨ New Version

Step 1: from the Collect Reviews > Configuration menu, verify that the automation is enabled:

Step 2: ensure that the order retrieval status selected on Verified Reviews matches the one configured on your CMS (Prestashop, Shopify, etc):

Step 3: check the connection between your connector and Verified Reviews from the Account Management > My Connector menu.

  • If a red pop-up appears indicating that the connection is not established, we invite you to consult this article.
  • If you use a connector other than Prestashop, Magento, Shopify, or Woocommerce, please contact our support via the contact icon at the bottom right of your screen.

An outdated version can also cause problems when retrieving orders. We invite you to update the connector from the Account Management > My Connector menu.

 If you encounter difficulties with your module, you can use our contact icon.


🖥️  Historical Version

Step 1: From the Review Collection > Configure my module menu, verify that the automation is activated:

Step 2: Make sure that the order retrieval status selected on Verified Reviews is identical to the one configured on your CMS (Prestashop, Shopify, etc):

Step 3: On this same page, now verify the connection between your module and Verified Reviews  

  • If the module connection is not working, please refer to this article.
  • If you are using a connector other than Prestashop, Magento, Shopify, or Woocommerce, please contact our support via the contact icon at the bottom right of your screen.

Sometimes, connection issues are caused by an error in the credentials (Website ID and Secret Key). In that case, please follow this procedure.

An outdated version can also cause issues during order retrieval. We recommend updating the connector from the Review Collection E-commerce Module Download menu.

If you encounter connection issues despite proper configuration, please contact our Customer Care team via the contact icon at the bottom right. Then indicate that your module is not connected.

Automation by FTP

Verify that the file has been processed correctly. We remind you that in case of an error, your file will be placed in the Error folder, along with another file mentioning this error. 

Feel free to modify this same file and place it back in the corresponding folder. Our system will process it at the usual time.

If you have access to the new platform: check this article to learn how to retrieve your credentials.

If you have access to the historical platform: you can then use the FileZilla software to verify the proper processing of your file. Simply enter the credentials provided by your Project Manager when your SFTP was created.

Automation by API

Verify the response message of your API call. Once your API call is submitted, we will return a message to you. If any data is missing, your orders cannot be transmitted to Verified Reviews.

1 Your action has been successfully completed
2 The signature calculation does not give the same result
3 The client account (idwebsite) has not been identified
4 The parameters are incorrect

If you have access to the new platform: check this article to learn more about configuring your API collection.

Automation by CSV (manual import)

First, verify that the file is in the correct format and that the column headings are correctly followed.

If you have access to the new platform: check this article to learn more about configuring your CSV collection.

If you have access to the historical platform: check this article to learn more about configuring your CSV collection.

Step 3: Verify the timing of review request emails

If your orders have been successfully transferred, you can now verify the timing of the review request emails. This will allow you to know when the requests are/will be sent to your consumers.

Depending on the type of automation and the platform you have access to, the timing will be configured differently.


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